iphone-5s-5cIf the prospect of the Nike+ Move app, which was shown off during the the iPhone 5S unveiling, had you fired up to get fit, then good news: it’s out today. The app brings some of the FuelBand’s functionality to the iPhone, canceling out the need to wear the bracelet, all courtesy of the 5S’s clever new M7 co-processor.
Nike’s FuelBand tracks your movement and converts it over into Nike Fuel, a proprietary measurement to make sure everyone’s competing on a level playing field, regardless of their fitness level or the exercise they’re doing. With the Nike+ Move app, it relies on information from the iPhone 5S’s M7 co-processor, which collects movement-related data even when the phone is asleep, and minimizes energy consumption by not disturbing the primary processor. The data is then converted over into Nike Fuel.

If you’re wondering why you’d care, it’s all about motivation. The idea is to earn enough Fuel to beat a daily average. The Move app also shows you hourly results, and provides a breakdown of your movement, including the times of when you were most active. The app connects with Game Center, so you can challenge and compare results with your friends.
The app isn’t as comprehensive as the FuelBand’s app, and it doesn’t provide quite the same degree of detail, nor does it let you compete with other FuelBand wearers through Nike’s website. It’s like a FuelBand lite – an introduction to the concept of wearable fitness trackers for those unsure if the tech is for them. If you like it, you will want to take the plunge and purchase a FuelBand SE.
If you own an iPhone 5S – don’t forget that it won’t work with any other iPhone – the Nike+ Move app is yours to download for free from the App Store today.